Book topics

The Happiest Jobs
There is a table with the 12 happiest jobs. The first profession on the list is gardeners, and the last one is bankers. 82% of gardeners feel that their work is important and useful. Unlike 35% of bankers, think similarly. Gardeners also think they use their skills every day, compared to 35% of bankers, feel the same. Besides, 89% of gardeners love their work environment, as opposed to 24% of bankers, who said the same.

Alisha loves her job as a nurse but she says it's stressful. You have to work long hours including weekends, and sometimes deal with serious problems. If you want to become a nurse, you have to get good grades in maths, science, and English. Then, you have to study the nursing degree. Also, you need to way too good at making decisions and working in a team. There is a regulation that you must follow to the letter. For example, you cannot enter a room with dirty hands. You also cannot lift a patient on your own.

John says that if you want to become an electrician, you need two or three years of training. He says he is his boss because he has his own company but still works too much. Therefore, his work is tiring. He says you have to be careful with this because it is a job where you have to devote a lot of attention. So, there are health and safety rules. When you are fixing something, you don't have to forget to switch off the mains power. You can get electrocuted, and you would run the risk of losing your life. He knows a guy who almost died. However, he believes there are advantages and disadvantages to his work.

Miriam said she works in investment banking, and you have to study a university degree to work there. She said they work many hours and have to deal with stress because they have the responsibility to look after a lot of people's money.

Sara likes meeting people from different companies but she thinks it's not easy to find a job. There just aren't enough jobs. You have to settle for taking the available ones. She applied for a job interview. She doesn't believe she receives an answer since she doesn't have enough experience.

Marco thinks the works available at the careers fair are interesting. He thinks he will get a job soon.

Kate thinks careers fair is useful for getting a job. Although, she doesn't know what job she is looking for. She is still studying. Therefore, she is not in a hurry to get a job. She will do it when she finishes her studies. Also, she doesn't worry about not getting a perfect job since nobody gets it. She also reckons that when she works, she will be happy to receive a payment for her effort. If you want to work your way up, you must strive to achieve it.

Safe future career
The text talks about the predictions that experts are making about the great changes in some jobs that will happen in the next 20 years. Some jobs might disappear, while others will become more important.
Shop assistants are forecast to disappear because most people have started shopping online. People send letters and messages through email or other social networks. Therefore, there will be no postmen. Photo processors are the ones who print photos. They also run the risk of disappearing because people prefer to save their images on their devices. Finally, There are 3D printers capable of constructing entire buildings. So, builders might lose their jobs. However, one of the most promising jobs is a computer programmer because most jobs will need the use of computers. Unfortunately, technological advances will bring environmental damages. Thereupon, an environment protection officer will have many job offers. The majority of elderly people will want to live in quieter and less crowded areas. Then, carers will be an indispensable job. Lastly, the online education manager will be a very well paid job. Most people will want to take courses on a certain thing online. 

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