
Hy guys!
Here I show you the progress of my classmates and mine, practicing conversations

                           Jank and Tania

Part 1 (Dan and Leo)

Part 2 (Annie and Dan)

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3 Comentarios

  1. Hey! Well you have good videos and in some parts you enjoy the dialogue but in some moments, you don't put attention in your pronunciation in words like 'about', 'study routine', 'lovely' and others. But, good work :)

  2. You could show more fluency when read, maintain good pronunciation but at times in part two, the conversation loses a lot of conversation.

  3. Me gustaron tus vídeos y la manera en que lo interpretas, solo que en algunas partes de la conversación debes darle la entonación que indica, leer un poco más fluido, pero de ahí todo bien ��
